dictionary of biographies

Here you will find a short online dictionary of biographies about some of the most significant Portuguese authors who published on the history and anthropology of East Timor in the period 1850-1975. We have been privileging representative Portuguese authors, who have entries in our bibliographical database (see our Bibliography available also through Resources). The list thus includes some professional anthropologists and ethnographers but also a number of colonial governors, military officers, administrators, and Catholic missionaries, whose publications are of relevance for the historical and anthropological study of ‘Portuguese Timor’. In preparing the biographical notes we have emphasized those dimensions of their lives and work that bear specifically on the author’s anthropological contributions and connections to Timor. Below on this page you will find the list of authors and links to their biographies online.

Only Portuguese-language biographies are currently available but we also hope to be able to provide English versions in a near future. All biographies are original texts that reflect the authorial voices and research work of the team members and/or invited contributors.
You are welcome to use them and cite them, provided that you please reference them appropriately, for instance in the following form:

AUTHOR’S NAME], [BIOGRAPHEE’S NAME], in Ricardo Roque (org.), History and Anthropology of “Portuguese Timor”, 1850-1975. An Online Dictionary of Biographies, available at http://www.historyanthropologytimor.org/ (downloaded on [date of access])

Please note that this Dictionary of Biographies is a work-in-progress, and thus some of the authors below still wait for their biographical note to be completed. We expect to be filling the blank spaces in the course of the research project.

Call For Contributors to the Online Dictionary of Biographies
We also welcome your proposals for biographies. If you are interested in contributing to this dictionary with a biography on either one of the listed authors, or even of an author that does not figure in the current list, please contact us!

Licença Creative Commons
History and Anthropology of “Portuguese Timor”, 1850-1975. An Online Dictionary of Biographies by Ricardo Roque is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial-Proibição de realização de Obras Derivadas 3.0 Unported License.


List of Authors


ALMEIDA, António de
ALMEIDA, Maria Emília de Castro
ANDRADE, João José de
ARTUR, Máximo Ribeiro


BRAGA, Paulo
BRITO, Raquel Soeiro de


CABREIRA, Frederico Leão
CAMPOS, José Augusto Correia de
CARMO, António Duarte de Almeida e
CASTRO, Afonso de
CASTRO, Alberto Osório de
CASTRO, Gonçalo Pimenta de
CORREIA, A. A. Mendes
CORREIA, Armando Pinto
CUNHA, João Gualberto Barros e


DORES, Rafael das
DUARTE, Jorge Barros
DUARTE, Teófilo


FELGAS, Hélio A. Esteves
FERNANDES, Abílio José
FONTOURA, Álvaro Neves da
FRANÇA, Bento da


GOMES, Francisco de Azevedo
GOULART, Jaime Garcia


JARDIM, João dos Santos Pereira


KING, Margaret


LEMOS, Eurico Corrêa de
LENCASTRE, Júlio Garcez de
LIMA, Joaquim A. Pires de



MAGALHÃES, António Leite de
MARTINHO, José Simões
MENEZES, Francisco Xavier de


OLIVEIRA, Carlos M. Ramos de


PASCOAL, Ezequiel Enes


REGO, Frederico José Hopffer


SÁ, Artur Basílio de
SILVA, Hélder Lains e
SILVA, José Celestino da
SILVA, José Gomes da
SILVA, Júlio Celestino Montalvão e
SILVA, Manuel Maria Alves da
SILVA, Sebastião M. Aparício da


VALE, Viriato Luís Mendes do
VAQUINHAS, José dos Santos


Image: Grupo em Díli, c. 1900, Source: Álbum Carlos Leitão Bandeira. Cortesy: António Bandeira.


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  • Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
  • Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa
  • Associated research projects

  • Associated research projects

Exploring Colonial Anthropologies

  • The presence of the Portuguese in Timor, a small island at the end of the Lesser Sunda Islands chain, dates from the mid-sixteenth century. For the next 250 years, Portuguese Catholic missionaries, soldiers, traders, officials, governors, scientists, and military became regular company of the Timorese populations. First based in Lifau (Oecusse), and since 1769 based in Dilly, the Portuguese claimed sovereignty and exercised colonial government over the Eastern half of the island. Today’s nation Republic of Timor-Leste, went by the name of ‘Portuguese Timor’, a colonial province of Portugal, until the Indonesian occupation in 1975. Throughout this long colonial period a great and rich variety of published and unpublished documents was produced by colonial agents.

    From manuscript letters to administrative reports, travelogues, journal articles, or book-length texts, the Portuguese colonial archives offer an abundant field of important material about the past and present of the bodies, languages, and cultures of Timor-Leste peoples. It is this varied and complex colonial material on the history and anthropology of Timor that this research project aims at revealing, exploring, and critically analyze.

    In engaging with these archives, we are concerned not just with how they illuminate former anthropological understandings and colonial encounters between Indigenous and Europeans; we also aim at exploring how they shape current understandings and might help the creation of a post-colonial moment for the history and anthropology of Timor-Leste.

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